Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Job Search Lessons - Maintain Search/Life Balance

Don't be this guy.  Looking for a new job can be consuming, especially if you are out of work while you do it.  If you show up to interviews frazzled, exhausted, and desperate, you are probably not going to get hired.

The good news is that we can mitigate this.  And thus begins the final job search lesson.

In many regards, you are primarily figuring out a healthy work-from-home lifestyle.  Depending on your experience, you may have already solved this problem.  But here are some tips.

Treat your computer as a separate location.  Just because you *can* roll out of bed and get to work does not mean you should.  The stories of working in your pajamas are overrated.

Maintain a normal schedule. Get up and do all of the things you would normally do.  Workout, walk the dog, make and eat breakfast, get ready, maybe crank out a blog post, and *then* get to work.  OK, that is what *I* do, but you get the point.

Stay fit. The anxiety of needing to make money, pay the bills, or the simple desire to work can be overwhelming.  The casualties can be healthy eating, adequate sleep, and exercise.  Resist that.  Don't compromise your fitness.

Become more fit? If you are not fit, this may be the time to work that into your schedule and figure out what works for you so that you can select a job that supports you being fit.

Maintain a healthy work schedule.  Try to put in eight quality hours of effort.  Don't work all day and night.  Your quality of effort, health, and effectiveness will suffer.  And you will probably not be your best self when the interviews happen.

Keep having fun.  Keep up with your hobbies, social outings, and recreational activities (while still maintaining a healthy work day).  You have not joined a monastery dedicated to searching for jobs.  If you get into a self-punishing mindset, you are going to start hating life and who wants to work with someone who hates life?  Well, aside from members of punk, goth, emo, or death metal bands; if that is your career path, then maybe you should be sure not to have fun.

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. There is a great value in being optimistic. Acknowledge your missed opportunities, correct as needed, and move on.  Don't be Eeyore or Debbie Downer.  

Stay calm and search on.  Focus on your goals and understand that you will get a job.

Good luck!

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